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Word of the Month - Breach January 2021

Gymglish +

Breach January 2021

Cartoon by Gymglish

Definitions A breach: An opening, tear or rupture. To breach (a fortress, an agreement): to penetrate; to break the rules. A breach of (protocol): a violation of (protocol). Breaches in the news In a minor breach of protocol, a group of Trump supporters breached the US Capitol earlier this month. New grandpa president, Joe Biden, will now try to seal the breach (after his afternoon nap).

Don't confuse "breach" with: Beach: a sandy area near water. Good place to see a whale breach. Bleach: a chemical disinfectant. Recommended by 1 of 46 US presidents as a COVID cure. To broach (a subject): to bring something up. Is this a good time to tell you that there are costumed extremists in the lobby. Things that can be breached Castle: If video games have taught us anything, there's probably a princess or an extra life in there. Data: No need to hack private information when we give it away for free. Confidence: It's been a wild 4 years, but maybe we can learn to trust again. If you like our style, try our courses for free.

The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with


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